MAY 13, 2017

After three long years in the making, the Submarine Memorial was now ready for dedication.  It was a beautiful spring day in Pea Ridge, AR when State, County and City dignitaries along with members of the Snook Base and their families, the public and other Veterans groups attended this ceremony.  Local news media were on hand as well to record this event. The ceremony began with the hoisting of the flags of the United States, Arkansas and POW/MIA by the local Boy and Girl Scouts. After the invocation by Snook Base Chaplain Bob Andregg, Pea Ridge Mayor Jackie Crabtree spoke about how proud his City was to have such a beautiful Memorial, dedicated to the lost submarines and sailors. Several other guests spoke and then Project Manager Mike Rainwater and Project Engineer Bob Andregg unveiled the Memorial. It was a truly inspiring and proud moment for the USS Snook Base and all those in attendance. BZ USS Snook Base.

Submarine Memorial Dedication
USS Snook Base Submarine Veterans